
Relative scaling factors based on amplitude comparison

Primary LanguagePython

Get relative scaling factors

Install it using setup.py if you prefer not to operate from within this directory.

An example how to invoke these skripts is given in example_run.py including some remarks.

The entire procedure assumes that stations are "relatively close together", like in a local network or array. However, this might still work also for stations further apart as long as the epicentral distance is large compared to station distances.

What this script does

is load a waveform dataset, a file containing station information and an event file (if the auto-download option is not used). One of the stations is taken as a reference station against which scaling factors are calculated based on the absolute maximum amplitude within a user-defined window. This window is positioned in time based on synthetic phase arrivals. These can either be extraced from a pyrocko store, which encorporates interpolated travel times, or (more time consuming but maybe more flexible) using pyrocko's cake module which calculates phase arrivals on demand.

Results can be dumped in YAML format.

Things one might want to add:

  • SNR checker
  • option to make purely synthetic comparison
  • verbosity