Multiple select list with search bar
npm install --save react-native-multiple-select-list
import CustomMultiPicker from "react-native-multiple-select-list";
const userList = {
//const userList = {
// "123":<View><Text>Tom</Text></View>,
// "124":<View><Text>Michael</Text></View>,
// "125":<View><Text>Christin</Text></View>
search={true} // should show search bar?
multiple={true} //
returnValue={"label"} // label or value
callback={(res)=>{ console.log(res) }} // callback, array of selected items
selected={[1,2]} // list of options which are selected by default
Prop | Type | Description |
options | Object | list of options/items |
search | Boolean | if the search bar should be shown or not |
multiple | Boolean | if user can select multiple options or not. if you select an item which is already selected, it will be unselected. if multiple is disabled, it will work like radio buttons. |
placeholder | String | placeholder text for search bar |
placeholderTextColor | String | placeholder text color for search bar |
returnValue | String | should it return keys of selected options or values? |
callback | Function | whenever user selects or changes selections it will be called. |
rowBackgroundColor | String | background color for each row in list |
rowHeight | Integer | row height |
rowRadius | Integer | row border radius |
iconColor | String | icon color for checked/unchecked icons and search icon also border color of search bar |
iconSize | Integer | icon size for checked/unchecked icons |
selectedIconName | String | selected/checked icon name (react-native-vector-icons/Ionicon) |
unselectedIconName | String | unselected/unchecked icon name (react-native-vector-icons/Ionicon) |
scrollViewHeight | Integer | scrollview height (list of items) |
selected | Object | list of options which are selected by default |
scrollViewStyle | Object | Style object for scrollView that holds all items |
itemStyle | Object | Style object for the touchableOpacity of each item |
labelStyle | Object | Style object for the text label |
selectedIconStyle | Object | style object for the icon when selected |
unselectedIconStyle | Object | style object for the icon when unselected |
Ata S.Mohammadi.