
A beginners tutorial to PHP and MYSQL with some tools, how to upload to a web host etc

Primary LanguagePHP


I have put all the code of the PHP Class I conducted 2 times at Prime College online for others to easily view it without downloading. You can even use it as a reference. I should have put this online a long time back ;).


If you want to learn PHP MYSQL in 10 days you can access all the slides to do it from scratch installing XAMPP at : http://bit.ly/learn-php OR at: http://geshan.blogspot.com/2008/12/start-learning-php-with-slides-and.html . You can get the slides online or you can even download it.


From the feedback I got from new PHP programmers, I think this tutorial is quite helpful and may be it will help you learn PHP. I sense you will need basic programming knowledge but this course starts from the very basic. Happy PHP learning. This will be helpful to BIM 4th Sem students as they are doing PHP now.