
Sample Android app to retrieve photos from Pexels based on query

Primary LanguageKotlin

Photo Search

This repository contains a sample app to retrieve pictures from Pexels API, based on key word informed by user.


  1. Get a Pexels API key
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Create a lib.cpp file in the following directory
  4. Insert the following code in lib.cpp file and replace with your Pexels API key.
        #include <jni.h>
        #include <string>
        extern "C"
        JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL
        Java_br_com_geshner_photosearch_utils_Keys_pexelsApiKey(JNIEnv *env, jobject /* this */) {
             std::string pexels_key = "Your Pexels API key";
             return env->NewStringUTF(pexels_key.c_str());