
🌠 SimpleParallax.js wrapper for Angular

Primary LanguageTypeScript

NgxSimpleParallaxJs logo


SimpleParallax.js wrapper for Angular

npm version



The ngx-simple-parallax-js can be installed with npm:

npm install ngx-simple-parallax-js simple-parallax-js@^5.6.2

Then, import NgxSimpleParallaxJsModule into a module of your Angular app.

import { NgxSimpleParallaxJsModule } from 'ngx-simple-parallax-js';

  // ...
  imports: [NgxSimpleParallaxJsModule]
  // ...
export class YourModule {}

Using directive

In images:

 <img parallax src="image.jpg" alt="image">

In videos:

<video parallax>
  <source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4">

With configs:

 <img parallax [parallaxConfig]="parallaxConfig" src="image.jpg" alt="image">

Complete documentation for simpleParallax.js: Official docs