
Formats PEM certificates in mkcert.org format

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


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Formats PEM certificates in a nice human readable (mkcert.org) format



This project has only been tested with go1.11+. To compile just run go get -u github.com/gesquive/cif and the executable should be built for you automatically in your $GOPATH. This project uses go mods, so you might need to set GO111MODULE=on in order for go get to complete properly.

Optionally you can run make install to build and copy the executable to /usr/local/bin/ with correct permissions.


Alternately, you can download the latest release for your platform from github.

Once you have an executable, make sure to copy it somewhere on your path like /usr/local/bin or C:/Program Files/. If on a *nix/mac system, make sure to run chmod +x /path/to/cif.


This app is also avalable from this homebrew tap. Just install the tap and then the app will be available.

$ brew tap gesquive/tap
$ brew install cif


Generate certificate summary information for PEM certificates and output (in mkcert.org format)

  cif [flags] <cert_path> [<cert_path>...]

      --version   Display the version info and exit

Optionally, a hidden debug flag is available in case you need additional output.

Hidden Flags:
  -D, --debug     Include debug statements in output

You can also pipe in certificates in addition to specified files on the command line:

$ cif pki-chain.pem
$ cat massive-cert-store.pem | cif 
$ app-with-output | cif


This documentation can be found at github.com/gesquive/cif


This package is made available under an MIT-style license. See LICENSE.


PRs are always welcome!