
get.chat WhatsApp Business Team Inbox frontend (https://get.chat/) - mirrored from original repo: https://gitlab.com/get.chat/web-app

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION


get.chat Web App


Node.js (LTS recommended)

Use the PNPM instead of NPM

Configuration options

Before you run it, you must create the config.json file in public folder if it doesn't exist. Please see the public/config.json.tmpl template file.



Specify the Rest API URL as the value of API_BASE_URL inside the config.

API_BASE_URL should be set to /api/v1/ to use same address as get.chat Web App runs on.


Sentry is a developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring platform that helps developers see what actually matters, solve quicker, and learn continuously about their applications.

Change Sentry DSN Key

If you forked this project and want to keep Sentry integration enabled, please make sure to use your own Sentry DSN key (https://docs.sentry.io/product/sentry-basics/dsn-explainer/). In order to do this, please go to public/config.json file and replace the value of APP_SENTRY_DSN variable.

Disable Sentry

In order to disable Sentry integration, you can either remove or comment out Sentry.init method inside src/config/sentry.ts.

// ***IMPORTS***
// Init storage type

// Load external config and render App
	.then((response) => {
		const config = response.data;

		// It is needed for ChatMessageModel
		window.config = config;

 		// Init Sentry
+		// if (!isLocalHost()) {
+		// 	Sentry.init({
+		// 		debug: true,
+		// 		dsn: config.APP_SENTRY_DSN,
+		// 		release: packageJson.version,
+		// 		integrations: [new Integrations.BrowserTracing()],
+		// 		tracesSampleRate: 0.01,
+		// 		beforeSend(event, hint) {
+               // 			// Check if it is an exception, and if so, show the report dialog
+		// 			if (event.exception) {
+		// 				Sentry.showReportDialog({ eventId: event.event_id });
+		// 			}
+		// 			return event;
+		// 		},
+		// 	});
+		// }
-		if (!isLocalHost()) {
-			Sentry.init({
-				debug: true,
-				dsn: config.APP_SENTRY_DSN,
-				release: packageJson.version,
-				integrations: [new Integrations.BrowserTracing()],
-				tracesSampleRate: 0.01,
-				beforeSend(event, hint) {
-					// Check if it is an exception, and if so, show the report dialog
-					if (event.exception) {
-						Sentry.showReportDialog({ eventId: event.event_id });
-					}
-					return event;
-				},
-			});
-		}

Google Maps

In order to display Google Maps Embed API in location messages, you need to provide a Google Maps API key in public/config.json for APP_GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY.

Environment variables

REACT_APP_TITLE: Application (page) title.

REACT_APP_MANIFEST_URL: manifest.json URL. This file provides information about the application.


REACT_APP_LOGO_512_URL: 512x512 PNG icon used for mobile devices.

REACT_APP_LOGO_192_URL: 192x192 PNG icon used for mobile devices.

REACT_APP_LOGO_URL: Application logo URL.

REACT_APP_LOGO_BLACK_URL: Black and white version of application logo (used inside the loading screen).

SENTRY_AUTH_TOKEN: This token is used for uploading source maps to Sentry automatically.

How to add translations of a new language

  • Find the ISO 639-1 code of the language you will be adding. For example es for Spanish. You can find the full list of languages codes in 639-1 at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes

  • Create a new folder in /src/locales/ with the language code as its name.

  • Copy the main PO file /src/locales/en/translation.po into the new language directory and add the translations.

  • Run the following command by changing en to the new language code: lang="en";i18next-conv --compatibilityJSON v4 -l $lang -s ./src/locales/${lang}/translation.po -t ./src/locales/${lang}/translation.json

  • Open /src/i18n.js and add the new language to resources object in init options by importing the JSON translation output.

Query Parameters

Available Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:

lang="en";i18next-conv --compatibilityJSON v4 -l $lang -s ./src/locales/${lang}/translation.po -t ./src/locales/${lang}/translation.json

Converts the PO file to a JSON file. Do not forget to specify the target language.

pnpm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

pnpm test

Runs Tests

pnpm build

Builds the app for production to the build folder.
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance.

The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes.
Your app is ready to be deployed!

pnpm lint:staged

It is used for a pre-commit hook, most likely you will not need it

pnpm lint:prettier

Check all files and output the result of the check to the console

pnpm lint:prettier:fix

Check all files and auto fix all of them


To run tests run the command pnpm test

Using docker image

You can find ready to use docker images in GitLab Container Registry.

To run the app from provided image you will need some environment variables. For simplicity, we will use dedicated env file. Create your env file from this template and save it as docker.env:

APP_SENTRY_TAG_CLIENT=get.chat Inbox Frontend

To start application and expose it on localhost:8080, run:

docker run --rm --env-file=docker.env -p registry.gitlab.com/get.chat/wab-app:<app-version>

Building docker image

Building JS application is not yet dockerized. Before you proceed, be sure that you ran pnpm build and application's files are in build directory.

To build docker image from pre-build application, run following command:

docker build -t inbox-frontend:local -f docker/Dockerfile.prebuild .