Works on python3.7
- register new advertiser.
- A seperate webpage as Advertiser DashBoard which allows advertiser
- to create/remove advertisements (an advertisement form).
- to check the screen properties on which the particular advertisement is running.
- to purchase a screen on a rent and adjust the time of display.
- Option to select from different available geo-location of screens.
- to purchase a particular subscription , price depends on number of screens and duration.
- Register new owner.
- A seperate webpage as Vendor DashBoard which allows vendor
- check the details of the advertisors on a particular screen.
- add/delete a screen into his account (a screen registration form).
- check their earnings from a particular screen and overall.
- Calculate total cost to display ad.
- Interactive GUI for geo-location of screens.
- Create Machine Learning models to dynamically predict prices.
Advertiser Registeration and Vendor Registeration
- (Owner/Advertiser)ID (Auto-Primary Key)
- Name
- Email ( or if we remove ID , this can be primary key too.)
- Mob No.
- Password
- Confirm Password
Advertisement Form
- AddID(Auto-Primary Key)
- Advertiser Email(Foreign Key)
- AddFile
- CurScreenIDs (can be empty initially).
Screen Form
- ScreenID(Auto-Primary Key)
- VendorEmail(Foreign Key)
- Address
- Price per sec of the add. (to be decided how it will vary n who will set this)
(Screen , Advertisement) Table
- Primary key (screen_id,Ad_id)
- (screen_id,Ad_id) -> Screen(id) displays ad (Ad_id)
Toaster Usage
- toastr.{{message.type}}('{{message}}')
- where message.type can be info , success , warning , error.
- Every registered screen will have a access token to the adware-API.
- API can be accessed by
- Response object is in JSON format.
- 'status' is 'ok' if the provided id is correctly sent. else 'not found'
- 'media_path' field contains a list of strings of name of media. The same media name can be used to access the media at
- See for sample api access code.