
A raspberry pi telegram bot to send you the ip address of raspi without the need of monitor

Primary LanguagePython


A raspberry pi telegram bot to send you the ip address of raspi without the need of monitor sdasd

Generating Telegram Bot Token

  1. First you need to install and setup telegram on your mobile phone or laptop from https://telegram.org/
  2. Next search for the BotFather bot on telegram by searching @BotFather or by visiting https://telegram.me/BotFather
  3. Send /newbot <your new bot name> command to BotFather and it will create a new bot by that name
  4. Send /token command to get a auth token for this bot

Using Telegram Bot Token

  1. Replace token in line 10 of myaddress.py with the token received from step 4 above

Running the bot

  1. Start chatting with your new bot by sending some message.
  2. Make sure the path to the log file exists in line 4 of myipaddress.py
  3. Install some dependecies

         sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libssl-dev

  1. Install telegram library for python

         pip install python-telegram-bot netifaces

  1. Just run the bot with python myipaddress.py and you should be getting the ip address of the raspi

    Hey Dude. My new IP Address is

Putting the script on boot

  1. Open Crontab using crontab -e
  2. Add an entry at the bottom like this (Make sure the script exists on the path)

         @reboot sleep 60 && python dev/scripts/myipaddress.py &

  1. Send a test message to the bot everytime when you need the ip address before boot.