
Recreation of the last Apple iPhone website, combining GSAP animations and Three.js 3D effects with cool custom slider.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A new project on React JS, which combines GSAP animation, 3D model of last iPhone using THREE.JS.

Thanks to JavaScript Mastery 💎. It was a pleasure to go through another workshop that Adrian Hajdin and his team prepared.

It was fascinating how to use these technologies in conjunction with React JS using the React Three Fiber and React Three Drei libraries.

It turned out to realize:

✔ a modern beautiful website with Bento grids with interesting animations that trigger to screen scrolling,

✔ a very cool slider carousel without using the Swiper library,

✔ make a fast enough site with high scores in PageSpeed Insights.

Also managed to implement and try out the Sentry service to monitor the performance of the application and track bugs that users may have.

⚙️ Tech Stack

  • React.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Three.js
  • React Three Fiber
  • React Three Drei
  • GSAP (Greensock) animation
  • Vite