
In this programming assignment, I will be implementing a server that allows the user to create a backend and frontend where: 1. An Admin login page 2. Validate ID and Password 3. If Valid, redirect to the profile page. 4. If Invalid, redirect to a Signup page. 5. Post Login/Signup, display all existing User ID on profile page using a dropdown list. 6. Delete button to delete the selected User ID from the database. 7. Logout. (Where all users are treated as admin)

Primary LanguagePython


In this programming assignment, I have implemented an application which includes:

  • An Admin login page
  • Validate ID and Password
  • If Valid, redirect to the profile page.
  • If Invalid, redirect to a Signup page.
  • Post Login/Signup, display all existing User ID on profile page using a dropdown list.
  • Delete button to delete the selected User ID from the database.
  • Logout. (Where all users are treated as admin)