- 4
- 1
Example de paraphrase
#44 opened by ExtReMLapin - 1
- 1
Continued training of FlauBERT (with --reload_model) -- Question about vocab size
#40 opened by mcriggs - 1
D'euro j'dis là du son dis bdia d dis fin dis djaifbfl j'dis. L'as bais. Eiabduua bsujsvd
#43 opened by Kouakouhermann67 - 1
- 9
- 1
Pre-training FlauBERT with Google Colab?
#39 opened by mcriggs - 1
Extracting word embeddings from FlauBERT
#37 opened by mcriggs - 2
Different Categories for CLS dataset for French
#36 opened by yongzx - 3
RuntimeError: [enforce fail at CPUAllocator.cpp:64] . DefaultCPUAllocator: can't allocate memory: you tried to allocate 237414383616 bytes. Error code 12 (Cannot allocate memory)
#35 opened by keloemma - 4
Filling masks
#33 opened by xiaoouwang - 1
Using the Flaubert for Translation
#34 opened by kruthikakr - 12
Finetuning on FLUE
#32 opened by LisaBanana - 1
Pretraining with News Crawls by WMT 19
#31 opened by divkakwani - 1
- 3
Update about the coming soon FLUE tasks
#29 opened by Tixierae - 2
- 7
bug in
#22 opened by keloemma - 7
tweet sentiment analysis in french
#21 opened - 1
Convert from xlm to Hugging Face
#19 opened by king-menin - 1
Model names
#26 opened by Khasir - 2
Datasets: EnronSent, Le Monde, PCT
#25 opened by jchwenger - 1
Enronsent usage
#23 opened by JbRemy - 1
Typo in corpus download
#24 opened by JbRemy - 0
RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (68729) must match the size of tensor b (13681) at non-singleton dimension 0
#20 opened by keloemma - 0
Erreur de segmentationtd::allocator<std::vector<at::Tensor, std::allocator<at::Tensor> > > >, float) + 0x1679
#17 opened by keloemma - 0
fast: fastBPE/fastBPE.hpp:458: void fastBPE::readCodes(const char*, std::unordered_map<std::pair<std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>, std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>
#16 opened by keloemma - 5
Import Error
#15 opened by rcontesti - 5
#5 opened by jourlin - 6
Model name not found or config.json missing
#6 opened by hzitoun - 11
How can I train flaubert on a different corpus (not gutenberg, wiki) but for another domain ?
#9 opened by keloemma - 2
- 1
Can we encode a document from command line?
#12 opened by dataislife - 3
- 2
Pre-training data for FlauBERT
#14 opened by manueltonneau - 1
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dataset in French NLI and STS - like
#4 opened by dataislife - 4
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error in
#2 opened by brunosez