GetBeaned is the only bot you'll ever need to moderate your server. Why ? The primary feature is the AutoModerator. But wait, it's not like the Dyno or MEE6 automod, it's way more advanced and got less false-positives.
The automoderator works by calculating a multiplicator, that represent how likely a user is there to spam. Using multiple data points, such as the Discord Nitro status of the user, the account age and how long ago the user joined, GetBeaned is able to have a pretty good estimate of the spam-potential of an user.
After calculating the multiplicator, GetBeaned will then look at the specific message to determine if it could be considered as spam, using factors such as the presence of CAPS, swear words, failed @everyone pings, ...
Finally, by multiplying the multiplicator and the message score, GetBeaned apply actions corresponding to a specific total score.
Have you ever been on a server, and when trying to send a message quickly after another one, or just with a few CAPS letters, only to see it get removed by a too strict moderation bot, while, at the same time in another channel, a user is spamming mentions without getting banned ? Well, if you don't want that to happen on your server, GetBeaned is the solution!
A user that just joined and that try to post invite links should be treated as a spammer while a trusted user that has been there for a year shouldn't. And that's what the GetBeaned AutoModerator does.
You can configure GetBeaned on the webinterface, by logging in with discord. However, the defaults provided are quite good, and just enabling Thresholds and automod should get you started!
{% hint style="info" %} More settings are provided, for advanced configuration. For best performance and to minimise the risk of false positives, we recommand enabling AutoMod and Thresholds, than enable AutoInspect and AutoTriggers as-needed. {% endhint %}
But, if you need, more than 60 settings are available, so customising the bot shouldn't be a problem.
Not a problem, we are here to help on the support server
The bot code is open-sourced on GitHub and Pull Requests are welcomed with great pleasure.
An API is available on request to access the data on the GetBeaned website to improve overall detection. Please contact Eyeofcreeper#0001 if you are intrested.
Please install the bot and spread the word. Don't forget to report spambots or new types of spam that aren't currently detected by the GetBeaned algorithms.
If my bot helped you, donations are welcome to help fund server costs! If you find any bug, feel free to contact me on discord : Eyesofcreeper#0001