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Disable & hook notifications of AV & EDR from events occurring in the system.
The project has the following features:
- List
- callbacks,
- minifilters.
- Removing callback functions:
- create/exit of processes,
- create/exit of threads.
- Hook callback functions with filtering by process name:
- create/exit of processes,
- create/exit of threads.
- Hook file system minifilters.
- Abuse AV & EDR after remove or hook.
The assembly is a compilation of two great projects:
- https://github.com/uf0o/windows-ps-callbacks-experiments (Fork deleted repository https://github.com/fdiskyou/windows-ps-callbacks-experiments).
- https://github.com/SHA-MRIZ/FsMinfilterHooking
Additionally, added the ability to hook callback functions with filtering by the name of the process: create/exit of processes and threads & hook of file system minifilters.
The project is built for Visual Studio 2019 with SDK & DDK v10.0.22000.0 for x64.
After built put all files together in one directory and place the same directory install.bat:
- driverDobroCli.exe
- cli for control driverInstall.bat
- install
Run install.bat as administrator.
Start driver:
sc start dobro
Stop driver:
sc start dobro
For control driver run DorbroCli.exe in cmd.exe:
Usage: DobroCli.exe <options>
-h Show this message.
-l Process & Thread Notify Callbacks Address's & FS Minifilters List.
<Process Callbacks>
-zp Zero out Process Notify Callback's Array (Cowboy Mode).
-dp <index> Delete Specific Process Notify Callback (Red Team Mode).
-pp <index> Patch Specific Process Notify Callback (Threat Actor Mode).
-rp <index> Rollback to the original Process Notify Callback (Thoughtful Ninja Mode).
<Threads Callbacks>
-zt Zero out Thread Notify Callback's Array (Cowboy Mode).
-dt <index> Delete Specific Thread Notify Callback (Red Team Mode).
-pt <index> Patch Specific Thread Notify Callback (Threat Actor Mode).
-rt <index> Rollback to the original Thread Notify Callback (Thoughtful Ninja Mode).
<Hook Notify Callback>
-hps <index> <filter> Hook PS notify routine.
-ups Unhook PS notify routine.
-hthr <index> <filter> Hook THR notify routine.
-uthr Unhook THR notify routine.
<FS Minifilters>
-hm <index> Hook FS Minifilter.
-um Unhook FS Minifilter.
-chk Try AV/EDR for fun ;-) (Inject PS, need admin).
<Driver Debug>
-dbg_lm List modules in Driver DbgPrint.
-dbg_bsod BS0D.
Get list callbacks process and thread notify routine + file system minifilters:
DobroCli.exe -l
Hook thread and process callback notify routine with filter by name process, no problem:
DobroCli.exe -hthr 1 kxxx
DobroCli.exe -hps 7 kxxx
Hook file system minifilters, no problem:
DobroCli.exe -hm 1 kxxxxxx
Articles covering these issues in detail:
- https://habr.com/ru/company/rostelecom/blog/597619/ [RU]
- https://synzack.github.io/Blinding-EDR-On-Windows/
- http://deniable.org/windows/windows-callbacks ---> https://web.archive.org/web/20200326040826/http://deniable.org/windows/windows-callbacks
- https://aviadshamriz.medium.com/part-1-fs-minifilter-hooking-7e743b042a9d