
PrestaShop 2Checkout Payment Module

Primary LanguagePHP

Integrate PrestaShop with 2Checkout

PrestaShop Settings:

  1. Clone or download and extract git@github.com:craigchristenson/PrestaShop-2Checkout.git
  2. Upload the checkout directory to the modules directory where your PrestaShop install is located on your hosting/server.
  3. Go into your PrestaShop Admin Modules/Payment Gateways area, install, enable and select 2Checkout Payments.
  4. Click configuration and fill out your 2Checkout account number and Secret Word.
  5. Click Update Settings.

2Checkout Settings:

  1. Sign in to your 2Checkout account.
  2. Click the Account tab and Site Management subcategory.
  3. Set the Approved URL to http(s)://yourcarturl.com/index.php?fc=module&module=checkout&controller=validation (Replace http://www.yourcarturl.com with the actual URL to your store.)
  4. Under Direct Return select Header Redirect.
  5. Enter your Secret Word.
  6. Click Save Changes.

Contact 2Checkout.com directly for integration assistance.

Version: 0.8.0

This is a fork of the original module developed by Alpha Media & donated by 2flowers - www.2flowers.com. _Updated to work with Prestashop 1.4.x and 1.5.x