
This is my free loyality Points module for thirty bees.

Primary LanguagePHPAcademic Free License v3.0AFL-3.0

Krona Loyality Points Module

This is my free loyality Points module for thirty bees. It offers two hooks, which can be used by module developers:

  • actionRegisterKronaAction
  • actionExecuteKronaAction

Why should you hook to my module?

Genzo_krona is a powerful open source module, when it comes to loyality points in thirty bees. Maybe your customers have asked you, to implement any kind of reward function into your module. Krona tries to bring them all together. Just register your actions and execute them.

Example: You have a "question & answer" module. Instead of coding a complex reward system with points or vouchers, you hook into Krona. You could register the actions: "asked a question", "answered a question" and "best answer". Afterwards the merchant can define in Krona, how many points the customer gets for these actions.

How to use the hooks?

First you need to register a hook during the installation of your module. I am sure, you are familiar with the following line:


Then you will return a multidimensional array with the actions, you want to offer. They key is the action_name:

public function hookActionRegisterKronaAction($params) {  

    $actions = array(  
        'ask_question' => array (
            'title' => 'Question asked',
            'message' => 'You asked a question. This brought you {points} points.'
        'give_answer' => array (
            'title' => 'Answer given',
            'message' => 'You have answered a question. This brought you {points} points.'
        'best_answer' => array (
            'title' => 'Best Answer',
            'message' => 'Your answer was selected as the best one! This brought you {points} points.'
    return $actions;  

You have to enter a title and a message! Just write it in english, please.

Second you will trigger these actions, when they happen. Example: After the saving process of a question, you will execute the second hook. Assuming your module has the name "super_questions", the code will look like:

$hook = array(  
    'module_name' => 'super_question',  
    'action_name' => 'ask_question',  
    'id_customer' => $this->context->customer->id,  
    'action_message' => $message, // optional
    'action_url' => 'https://www.domain.com/123-product#super_questions' // optional  

Hook::exec('ActionExecuteKronaAction', $hook);

Thats all! Now Krona knows, that the customer has posted a question and will reward him with points. Let me explain the array a bit further.

  • You have to use the official module_name.
  • The action_name is the key them in step 1.
  • Just pass the id_customer. My method above is quite a save way.
  • action_message is optional. You need to send an array with all languages keys. To be honest: For most modules this isn't important.
  • action_url is optional. If you have a clear link to the action, please add the full url. In the example you would link directly to the posted question.


There is a third hook, which should be used by you, if you offer FrontOffice features. Krona module offers features like pseudonym, avatar and points. You can access this information by access the hook displayKronaCustomer. You will just have to pass the id_customer:

$kronaCustomer = Hook::exec('displayKronaCustomer', array('id_customer' => $id_customer), null, true, false);

Afterwards you can use:

$kronaCustomer['genzo_krona']['pseudonym']; // Gives the display_name
$kronaCustomer['genzo_krona']['avatar']; // Gives the full path of avatar
$kronaCustomer['genzo_krona']['total']; // Shows the points

You need to check yourself, if the array is filled. Unfortunately thirty bees doesn't allow me to return false.

Please note: If you don't integrate this hook. The merchants will won't have a nice situation. Cause his customers are (maybe) chosing an pseudonym, while your module is just displaying any different name.


There is a fourth hook, which returns you the points an action brings to a customer. It expects three values:

$params = array(
    'module_name' => 'super_question',
    'action_name' => 'ask_question',
    'id_customer' => $this->context->customer->id,
$action = Hook::exec('displayKronaActionPoints', $params, null, true, false);

It will return you a multidimensional array with the following structure:

$action['genzo_krona']['error']; // If there is any error, the other values won't be accessible
$action['genzo_krona']['points']; // INT - How many points will the customer get
$action['genzo_krona']['executions_possible']; // BOOL - can the customer execute this action
$action['genzo_krona']['executions_done']; // INT - How often has the customer already executed this action
$action['genzo_krona']['execution_type']; // STRING - unlimited, per_lifetime, per_year, per_month or per_day
$action['genzo_krona']['execution_max']; // INT - How often can this action be executed max (based on execution_type)

Just to make the concept clear. The points value will be 0, if a customer has reached the max (executions=execution_max). The other values are just returned, so you can inform the customer correctly. Like: "You have already collected three times points for asking a question. You can still ask questions, but you won't get points till next month." This example would be for execution_type=per_month and execution_max=3.


The following thirty bees module are already using Krona: