
Node.js bindings of getdns, a modern asynchronous DNS API.

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getdns logotype

Node.js bindings of getdns, a modern asynchronous DNS API.

getdns-node: NPM | Github | Examples | Issues | getdns-node build status for the master branch
getdns: Website | Github | Specification | Presentations | Releases


getdns-node has a few advantages over the default DNS module in Node.js.

Installation and Requirements

# In your project directory.
npm install --save getdns
  • Older versions/combinations of dependencies may be supported in the special support/ branches. Support branches contain minimal patches to get that particular combination running — quite possibly with a restricted set of features. They are not actively maintained, and may be rebased if required.
  • See .travis.yml for exact Node.js versions used by Travis during build tests.

API Examples

See the samples/ folder for more.

var getdns = require("getdns");

var options = {
    // Option for stub resolver context, deferring lookups to the upstream recursive servers.
    resolution_type: getdns.RESOLUTION_STUB,
    // Upstream recursive servers.
    upstream_recursive_servers: [
        // Example: Google Public DNS.
        // Example: Your local DNS server.
        ["", 53],
    // Request timeout time in milliseconds.
    timeout: 1000,
    // Always return DNSSEC status.
    return_dnssec_status: true

// Contexts can be reused for several lookups, but must be explicitly destroyed.
var context = getdns.createContext(options);

var callback = function(err, result) {
    if (err) {
        // If not null, err is an object with msg and code.
        // Code maps to a getdns.CALLBACK_XXXX (CANCEL, TIMEOUT, ERROR).
    } else {
        // Result is a response dictionary, see below for the format.
        // For context.address() simply use result.just_address_answers.
        // NOTE: optionally check if each reply is secured with DNSSEC.
        console.log(result.canonical_name, result.just_address_answers);

    // When done with a context, it must be explicitly destroyed.
    // Can be done after all lookups/transactions have finished or beforeExit.

// NOTE: the extensions parameter is optional.
var extensions = {
  // NOTE: enforce DNSSEC security validation and return only secure replies.
  //dnssec_return_only_secure: true,

// Simple domain name-to-ip address lookup.
// Always returns both IPv4 and IPv6 results, if available.
var transactionId = context.address("wikipedia.org", extensions, callback);

API usage

Most of the nodejs calls maps to the getdns API specification. If there are any differences, or questions about usage, please open an issue.

Context Cleanup

When a context object is garbage collected, the underlying resources are freed up. However, garbage collection is not guaranteed to trigger. The application will not exit until all contexts are destroyed.

Response format

A response to the callback is the javascript object representation of the getdns_dict response dictionary.

Any bindata objects are converted into Node.js buffers, or converted to strings when possible:

  • Getdns IP address dictionary to IP string.
  • Printable bindata.
  • Wire format dname.

In the sample below buffers are represented as <Buffer length nnnn>. Some lines have been removed; <Removed lines nnnn>. Also see the output of the examples for reference.

  "answer_type": 800,
  "canonical_name": "getdnsapi.net.",
  "just_address_answers": [
  "replies_full": [
    "<Buffer length 677>",
    "<Buffer length 677>"
  "replies_tree": [
      "additional": [
        "<Removed lines 39>"
      "answer": [
          "class": 1,
          "name": "getdnsapi.net.",
          "rdata": {
            "ipv6_address": "2a04:b900:0:100::37",
            "rdata_raw": "<Buffer length 16>"
          "ttl": 450,
          "type": 28
          "class": 1,
          "name": "getdnsapi.net.",
          "rdata": {
            "algorithm": 7,
            "key_tag": 32852,
            "labels": 2,
            "original_ttl": 450,
            "rdata_raw": "<Buffer length 161>",
            "signature": "<Buffer length 128>",
            "signature_expiration": 1491862518,
            "signature_inception": 1490027744,
            "signers_name": "getdnsapi.net.",
            "type_covered": 28
          "ttl": 450,
          "type": 46
      "answer_type": 800,
      "authority": [
        "<Removed lines 48>"
      "canonical_name": "getdnsapi.net.",
      "dnssec_status": 400,
      "header": {
        "aa": 0,
        "ad": 1,
        "ancount": 2,
        "arcount": 3,
        "cd": 0,
        "id": 0,
        "nscount": 4,
        "opcode": 0,
        "qdcount": 1,
        "qr": 1,
        "ra": 1,
        "rcode": 0,
        "rd": 1,
        "tc": 0,
        "z": 0
      "question": {
        "qclass": 1,
        "qname": "getdnsapi.net.",
        "qtype": 28
      "additional": [
        "<Removed lines 69>"
      "answer_type": 800,
      "authority": [
        "<Removed lines 48>"
      "canonical_name": "getdnsapi.net.",
      "dnssec_status": 400,
      "header": {
        "aa": 0,
        "ad": 1,
        "ancount": 2,
        "arcount": 3,
        "cd": 0,
        "id": 0,
        "nscount": 4,
        "opcode": 0,
        "qdcount": 1,
        "qr": 1,
        "ra": 1,
        "rcode": 0,
        "rd": 1,
        "tc": 0,
        "z": 0
      "question": {
        "qclass": 1,
        "qname": "getdnsapi.net.",
        "qtype": 1
  "status": 900


All constants defined in <getdns/getdns.h> and <getdns/getdns_extra.h> are exposed in the module. The GETDNS_ prefix is removed. As an example, to get/filter out only secure replies, one may do something like:

var dnssecSecureReplies = result.replies_tree.filter(function(reply) {
    return reply.dnssec_status === getdns.DNSSEC_SECURE;

Context functions

Most work is done in the async methods of a DNS context. Extensions are optional in the below method calls.

// See also https://getdnsapi.net/documentation/spec/

// Contexts can be reused for several lookups, but must be explicitly destroyed.
// See context options below.
var context = getdns.createContext(options);

// When done with a context, it must be explicitly destroyed.
// Can be done after all lookups/transactions have finished or beforeExit.

// Cancel a request before the callback has been called.

// Method parameter formats.
var domainName = "subdomain.example.org";
var ipAddress = "";
var ipAddress = "2620:0:862:ed1a::1";

// https://getdnsapi.net/documentation/spec/#3-extensions
// Extensions are optional in the below method calls.
var extensions = {
  dnssec_return_only_secure: true

// There are 80+ predefined `RRTYPE_XXXX` constants.
var request_type = getdns.RRTYPE_MX;
var request_type = getdns.RRTYPE_SSHFP;

function callback(err, result, transactionId) {
  // err is either null (good result) or an object: { msg: "...", code: getdns.CALLBACK_XXXX (CANCEL, TIMEOUT, ERROR) }
  // result is null (bad result) or an object with the response dictionary format shown elsewhere in this documentation.
  // transactionId matches the one given when the lookup was initialized.

// For looking up any type of DNS record.
var transactionId = context.general(domainName, request_type, extensions, callback);

// For doing getaddrinfo()-like address lookups.
// Always returns both IPv4 and IPv6 results, if available.
var transactionId = context.address(domainName, extensions, callback);

// For getting results from SRV lookups.
var transactionId = context.service(domainName, extensions, callback);

// For doing getnameinfo()-like name lookups.
var transactionId = context.hostname(ipAddress, extensions, callback);

Context options

The below DNS context options are not complete; not all from the specification are listed, nor are all implemented in getdns-node. If there are any differences, or questions about usage, please open an issue.

// Setting context properties.
// See also https://getdnsapi.net/documentation/spec/
// The following properties are available to set directly and can also
// be set in the options object passed to the constructor.
// Context objects support setting properties via similar to the C API.
// Example: this C function call would map to that JS context property:
getdns_context_set_timeout(context, 1000);
context.timeout = 1000;

// Switch DNS resolution/lookup mode:
//   - Recursive: all lookups performed locally directly to relevant nameservers.
//   - Stub: all lookups deferred to upstream resolvers.
// For backwards compatibility the deprecated context.stub is still supported.
context.resolution_type = getdns.RESOLUTION_RECURSING;
context.resolution_type = getdns.RESOLUTION_STUB;

// If acting as a stub resolver, provide an array of DNS servers:
//   - IP addresses as strings (assuming DNS port is 53).
//   - An array with an IP address as a string and a port number as an integer.
// For backwards compatibility the deprecated context.upstreams is still supported.
context.upstream_recursive_servers = [
  // Example: Google Public DNS.
  // Example: Your local DNS server.
  ["", 53],

// If acting as recursive resolver, enable or disable following CNAME/DNAME redirects.
context.follow_redirects = getdns.REDIRECTS_FOLLOW;
context.follow_redirects = getdns.REDIRECTS_DO_NOT_FOLLOW;

// Integer in milliseconds. The default is undefined.
context.timeout = 1000;

// Boolean. Switch between thread or forking mode in the underlying libunbound.
context.use_threads = false;

// Enable looking up DNSSEC status of each response.
// The status is stored in each result.replies_tree[...].dnssec_status with
context.return_dnssec_status = true;

// DNS uses UDP by default, but can use TCP or TLS as well.

// The transports array contains an ordered list of transports that will be used for DNS lookups.
// Values from getdns.TRANSPORT_XXXX (UDP, TCP, TLS)
// The default is a list containing getdns.TRANSPORT_UDP then getdns.TRANSPORT_TCP.
context.dns_transport_list = [

// Specifies number of milliseconds the API will leave an idle TCP or TLS connection open for.
// Idle means no outstanding responses and no pending queries. The default is 0.
context.idle_timeout = ...;

// Related to  Extension mechanisms for DNS (EDNS).
// The value is between 0 and 255; the default is 0.
context.edns_extended_rcode = 0;

// The value is between 0 and 255; the default is 0.
context.edns_version = 0;

// The value is between 0 and 1; the default is 0.
context.edns_do_bit = 0;

// The value is between 512 and 65535; when not set, outgoing values will adhere to the suggestions in RFC 6891 and may follow a scheme that uses multiple values to maximize receptivity..
context.edns_maximum_udp_payloadSize = ...;

// Specifies limit the number of outstanding DNS queries.
// The API will block itself from sending more queries if it is about to exceed this value, and instead keep those queries in an internal queue.
// The a value of 0 indicates that the number of outstanding DNS queries is unlimited.
context.limit_outstanding_queries = ...;

// The namespaces array contains an ordered list of namespaces that will be queried.
// Important: this context setting is ignored for the context.general() function; it is used for the other functions.
// The default is determined by the OS.
context.namespaces = [

Building and testing

  • Development follows git-flow using the AVH edition of git flow.
  • Patches are welcome!
# Navigate to your getdns-node source folder.

# Enable git flow in your local clone.
git flow init -d

# Install dependencies, dev-dependencies, (re)build the package.
npm install

# If editing C++ code (and headers) in src/ either build (or rebuild) the module as necessary.
npm run --silent build

# Please add tests for any changes. More and diverse tests are better.
# See if there is a specific file matching your change, or create a new.
# NOTE: you can run tests per file.
npm run --silent test:run -- test/dnssec.js

# Run all tests against live DNS servers. The build server will also run these.
# NOTE: some tests may fail intermittently, depending on internet connection and upstream DNS servers. Rerun to verify.
npm run --silent test

# Now submit your pull request, and be ready for it to be scrutinized.
# Don't take comments nor change requests personally.
# Thank you in advance! =)

Note that the tests require an internet connection, getdns, and Unbound with a trust anchor to be installed to pass. Please consult the getdns documentation on the expected location of the trust anchor. Because of testing over the internet against live DNS servers, some tests may fail intermittently. If so, rerun to verify.


See also getdns-node committers and getdns committers, contributors, and acknowledgements.

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
Neel Goyal
Anthony Kirby
Joel Purra
Willem Toorop
Gowri Visweswaran

Want to be on this list? Fastest way is to fix a spelling mistake 😃

getdns logotype getdnsapi/getdns-node Copyright © 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, Verisign, Inc. All rights reserved. Released under the BSD 3-clause License.