

Dockerfile for TS3AudioBot. Uses mcr.microsoft.com/dotnet/core/aspnet:3.1-alpine as a base image.

Youtube-dl is installed per default.

Docker Hub:


Running the container

Setup the data directory

mkdir -p $(pwd)/data
chown -R 9999:9999 $(pwd)/data

Run the initial setup to generate all the initial configuration files:

docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/data",target=/app/data -it ancieque/ts3audiobot:0.12.0

After the initial configuration setup has finished, stop the server with CTRL-C and configure your bot in the configuration files accordingly. Then run the actual container again as a daemon:

docker run --name ts3audiobot -d --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/data",target=/app/data ancieque/ts3audiobot:0.12.0


To build the docker image with all the defaults, run:

docker build -f Dockerfile -t local.docker.image/ts3audiobot:latest .

Specific Version

To build the docker image with a specific version of TS3AudioBot, run:

docker build -f Dockerfile --build-arg TS3_AUDIOBOT_RELEASE=0.12.0 -t local.docker.image/ts3audiobot:0.12.0 .

Specific Flavour

To build the docker image in a specific flavour (default is TS3AudioBot_dotnetcore3.1.zip), run:

docker build -f Dockerfile --build-arg TS3_AUDIOBOT_FLAVOUR=TS3AudioBot_dotnetcore3.1.zip -t local.docker.image/ts3audiobot:0.12.0 .

Other service user id

To build the docker image to use another user id, run:

docker build -f Dockerfile --build-arg PUID=9987 -t local.docker.image/ts3audiobot:0.12.0 .