
Grav Learn (exhaustive grav documentation)

Primary LanguageSCSSMIT LicenseMIT

Grav Documentation

This is the repository for all the functionality of https://learn.getgrav.org. It is what we call a skeleton in that it's drop-in replacement for the user/ folder in Grav.

To install your own copy of the learn site, simply follow these steps:

  1. Download Grav from the https://getgrav.org site
  2. Extract the ZIP archive into a directory in your webroot (e.g. ~/www/grav-learn/)
  3. Download and extract, or Clone, the grav-learn repository as ~/www/grav-learn/user/
  4. Run bin/grav install from the root (e.g. ~/www/grav-learn/)

At this point the required plugins and vendor libraries should be installed, and your learn site should be fully functional.

For French speakers, take a look at the translation here.