
kraskaska-runner: This application allows you to automatically restart specific command. Initially made for minecraft servers.

Primary LanguageKotlin


This application allows you to automatically restart specific command. Initially made for minecraft servers.

Usage: kraskaska-runner options_list
    --command, -c -> Command to keep running while runner is alive (always required) { String }
    --restartIfGracefulExit, -r [1] -> Restart even if command ended with 0 code (1 = true, anything else = false) { Int }
    --webhookUrl, -w -> Webhook url to post restart warnings { String }
    --strikesAmount, -s [3] -> Strikes (non-graceful, non-zero exits) needed to exit from runner. Set to 0 to disable { Int }
    --strikesInterval, -i [900] -> Seconds need to pass since last strike before resetting strike count to 0 { Int }
    --treatZeroAsError -> Zero will act like it's crashed
    --help, -h -> Usage info

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