
Link product & collection data from Nacelle in Sanity Studio

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sanity Custom Input Plugin: Nacelle PIM Linker

Nacelle indexes data from your PIM (e.g. Shopify, Magento) and CMS to power headless eCommerce projects. This plugin provides a custom input component for Sanity Studio that helps you reference product & collection data stored in Nacelle indices.

Expand to see the custom input component in action! The Nacelle PIM Linker component is used in Sanity Studio to select products stored in Nacelle's indices


This package is deprecated. For up-to-date guidance on referencing commerce data from Nacelle in your CMS, please see docs.nacelle.com.

Installation & Setup

Install Peer Dependencies

npm i @sanity/ui styled-components

Install the plugin

sanity install @nacelle/sanity-plugin-pim-linker


You'll need to provide the ID and Token associated with your Nacelle space. These credentials can be found in the Nacelle Dashboard.

For a single space you can add these credentials in one of two ways:

in ./config/@nacelle/sanity-plugin-pim-linker.json

  "nacelleSpaceId": "your-nacelle-space-id",
  "nacelleSpaceToken": "your-nacelle-graphql-token"

in .env.development / .env.production


For multiple spaces you can add these credentials like this:

in ./config/@nacelle/sanity-plugin-pim-linker.json

"nacelleSpaces": [
      "spaceName": "Space 1",
      "spaceId": "your-nacelle-space-id",
      "spaceToken": "your-nacelle-graphql-token"
      "spaceName": "Space 2",
      "spaceId": "clever-owl-jr0WwlZv7L",
      "spaceToken": "2a74743f-7a00-4274-9cb6-2dfe15e89d47"

Use in Schema Documents

Set the type field to nacelleData to use the custom input component:

  name: 'handle',
  title: 'Handle',
  type: 'nacelleData',


By default, the custom input component allows you to choose a handle from either products or collections.

Realistically, you probably want to restrict the component to either products or collections. To do that, provide either ['products'] or ['collections'] to options.dataType:

// example: collections ONLY
  name: 'collectionHandle',
  title: 'Collection',
  type: 'nacelleData',
  options: {
    dataType: ['collections']
// example: products ONLY
  name: 'productHandle',
  title: 'Product',
  type: 'nacelleData',
  options: {
    dataType: ['products']

Using This Data in Your Frontend Project

Since this custom input component just stores the handle of a particular product or collection, you'll use the Nacelle Client JS SDK to fetch the associated product or collection object.


const product = await client.data.product({
  handle: 'handle-from-my-sanity-entry'


const collection = await client.data.collection({
  handle: 'handle-from-my-sanity-entry'

const productHandles = collection.productLists[0].handles

const collectionProducts = await client.data.products({
  handles: productHandles