- bairdstar
- claudemit
- dglomberg@Mirevi
- dilovegame
- EmperorKonstantinThe Information eXchange Organization
- enealefonsAugmented VR ∩ Mixed Reality ∩ Holographic 3D ∩ Spatial Interaction ∩ Design ∩ Tech ∩ Dev ∩ Art
- fuderiki
- getnamoQnova LLC
- hanwenbo
- hcjamm
- jclavin2University of Maryland Baltimore County
- jonike
- kaiquewdev@fth-ship
- kevinan9Tencent America
- liu0fanyi
- lolkainKorea, Republic of
- luwanlili
- magneatoGametelligent, LLC
- maphysart
- naong2EpicGames
- oleflaten
- patrickhuangchengShanghai, China
- playertk
- pyrochlore
- qspi
- ren19890419beijing
- robeasthamLondon
- rustwd
- sky3@checkandvisit
- teotw
- thomasvantaBarcelona
- WeldFireWeldWare
- zbignasPixartfoxes / Kool2Play
- ZinniaSun2000