concurrency programming via rust

How to run?

Enter one crate such as thread and run cargo run.


I have a plan to write a book about conncurrency programming via rust. The below is the contents of it and this repo contains all source codes.

chapter 1: Thread

Introduces Threads in std and concurrency libs.

chapter 2: Thread Pool

Introduces Thread pool for std thread.

chapter 3: async/await

Introduces async feature.

chapter 4: synchronization primitives

Introduces synchronization primitives contains containers

chapter 5: basic concurrency primitives

Introduction of basic concurrency primitives in std lib.

chapter 6: concurrency collections

Introduces concurrency collections in std lib.

chapter 7: process

Introduces starting and executing a new process in the easy way.

chapter 8: channel

Introduces each channels such as mpsc, mpmc and broadcasters.

chapter 9: timer/ticker

Introduces timer and ticker.

chapter 10: parking_lot

Introduces parking_lot.

chapter 11: crossbeam

Introduces crossbeam.

chapter 12: rayon

Introduces rayon.

chapter 13: tokio

Introduces tokio.

chapter 14: special

some special synchronization primitives and concurrency libs only for special single purpose.