
A simple codeigniter library and config file to globably load the AWS object into $CI->aws

Primary LanguagePHP


A simple codeigniter library and config file to globably load the AWS object into $CI->aws


the AWS php sdk autoloaded, I recomend using composer


1 - Copy the aws.php config file to your codeigniter config folder. Update your region, and AWS credentials.

2 - move the Aws_library.php file to the codeigniter libraries folder.

3 - Optional but recomended, add 'aws_library' to the config/autoloader.php $autoload['libraries'] array


Anywhere you would normally use, "$sdk = new Aws\Sdk" or similar, you can skip and use something like,

eg. $dynamodb = $this->aws->createDynamoDb();

Because the Aws_library.php globally assigns the initialization of the AWS SDK to $CI->aws, which is accessable at $this->aws in controllers and models.