
Geocoding and reverse geocoding with Pelias and Python

Primary LanguagePython

Update: The latest builds of pelias are working for North America, this library isn't needed.

PyPelias - Geocoding and reverse geocoding with Pelias and Python

Project Description

After installing a planet build of Pelias PyGeo was returning endless errors, It was quicker for me to write this little python API wrapper than try and sort out what the issues where with PyGeo.

This package support geocoding and reverse geo coding to you're own Pelias server using requests and the Pelias API.


A complete install of Pelias. I recommend the Docker env (https://github.com/pelias/docker).


install from https://pypi.org/project/pyPelias/

pip install pyPelias


import pyPelias

gisAPI = pyPelias('https://mydomain_or_IP_of_pelias')

# reverse geocode - get the location from lat long, in format ['lat', 'long']
loc = gisAPI.reverse(['45.533467', '-122.650095'])


# geocode - takes address, city, state, country in any form, raises exception if can't parse address
geocode = gisAPI.geocode('Alamogordo, New Mexico, United States')



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