
A PHP library that provides a universal database connection pool for the Swoole server framework, with support for multiple drivers and configurable connection pooling parameters.

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Pinga DB Pool: A Universal Database Connection Pool for Swoole

Pinga DB Pool is a PHP library that provides a universal database connection pool for the Swoole server framework. It is based on the excellent ipejasinovic/swoole-universal-pool package, but is tuned specifically for the Pinga framework. However, it can be used in virtually any Swoole-based application that requires efficient, asynchronous database connections. The library supports multiple database drivers, automatic reconnection, and configurable connection pooling parameters, making it an essential tool for high-concurrency applications that require reliable, low-latency database access.

How to use

# Example MySQL or PostgreSQL


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


$dbConfig = (new Pinga\DbPool\Config)

$dbPool = new Pinga\DbPool\Pool($dbConfig, 2);

go(function () use (&$dbPool) {
    $conn = $dbPool->get();
    $result = $conn->query("select * from my_table;");
    if ($result) {
# Example Redis


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


$dbConfig = (new Pinga\DbPool\Config)

$dbPool = new Pinga\DbPool\Pool($dbConfig, 2);

go(function () use (&$dbPool) {
    $conn = $dbPool->get();
    $conn->set('test', 'test_value');