Guri Getsadze

Software Engineer

About me

I'm 19 years old aspiring software engineer from Tbilisi, Georgia. I got interested in programming at the age of 9. When I'm not busy, I always attend lectures and tech talks, because I want to learn new things of all areas in technology. Here's my experience and knowledge so far:

  • C++ - I was toying with it for 3 years as an amateur. Created some small projects.

  • C# - small experience. Created cnNET with it.

  • Python - I don't need python very much at this time so I have no actual experience with it.

  • Java - I collected much experience in last two years, created some small projects. Such as:

  • Android - Created three Android projects on hackathons, pursued a course on Udacity.

  • Git - Using on every project, after 2014.

  • Back-End Development - Was learning PHP and small experience of creating back-ends such as survey-back.

  • Front-End Development - no actual experience. I have knowledge of very very basic HTML & CSS.

Hackathons' experience

I love hackathons. Hackathon is a competition where you get fresh experience in programming. Here's mine:


I was originally recruited by vardidzel to work for Lapptech as enthusiast mobile developer and intern. It was great experience with the team. I left the company mainly because of the lack of free time.


In 2020, I graduated from Komarovi N199 public school.

Also, I was student of Information Technology Center named Mziuri for 5 years. Java group(which I was part of) even had an organisation on GitHub.

Currently I go to Free University of Tbilisi, majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics.