Trial by Triage

Trial by Triage is a fun accessory to the Sentry platform that was made as a Hackweek project in 2022. It is a JRPG-styled video game where the enemies are based on issues from the player's Sentry feed.


This game was produced using RPG Maker MZ, a product of Gotcha Gotcha Games Inc., and incorporates assets that are ©Gotcha Gotcha Games Inc./YOJI OJIMA 2020. Their use and distribution are governed by the RPG Maker MZ User License Agreement.

All content produced by Sentry for this project is available under the MIT License, as specified in individual source files.

How to Play

The game is hosted at and can be played locally.

The game's code needs to communicate with a remote Sentry API in order to function. It cannot make a cross-origin call directly to the Sentry API, so instead it uses a proxy server. To test or play the game from local source, run the proxy server with the command

node server.js

and point your browser at http://localhost:5000/ or the correct port.

Using Chrome is recommended. The core scripts exported from RPG Maker seem to have a bug when the game is played in Firefox, where it displays the message: "Your browser does not allow to read local files." This failure mode is meant, if you load the base HTML page from local storage, to indicate that the browser's policy is preventing the game from loading other local files as assets. As far as we can tell, something about the asset loading order causes the game to throw this error spuriously, and isn't specific to Trial by Triage or the way we're hosting it.

Security Considerations

If you input a Sentry API key to Trial by Triage, both it and the issue data is downloads are stored in plaintext and stored as part of your saved games, including autosaves. Saved game data is stored as cookies on the or localhost domain, as applicable. Never input an API key on a shared or untrusted device. However, Trial by Triage should be safe to play on a private device, especially with local disk encryption.

To reduce risk, use an API key with no permission scopes other than event:read.

Project Pages