
Strong opinionated stack built on top of Expo. Made by ⚡Sieutoc.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Genjutsu Stack

Made by ⚡Sieutoc


This template includes the following:

  • Expo 50 (with React Native 0.73)
  • TypeScript
  • ESLint
  • Prettier

Getting Started

For Development

  • We use npm package manager. We should let yarn rest in peace.

Clone the project

You can either use this template by:

  • Click the "Use this template" button and follow the instruction
  • Or using the script below:
npx tiged websitesieutoc/genjutsu your-project

Then, search and replace genjutsu with your project slug.

Install dependencies

cd your-project
npm install

Setup project

For the first time, you need to create a project on Expo:

  • Go to your organization projects page: https://expo.dev/accounts/<your-org>/projects
  • Create new project. It will show the next step, or you can copy the project ID.
  • Run the eas init to connect your project with Expo. Get eas-cli here.
  • It will ask you to overwrite the old ID. You should answer Y (Yes).
eas init --id <your-project-id>

Then, run the iOS simulator

npm run ios

Happy development! 🎉


Make sure you change at least these things before submitting to App store:

  • Change your scheme in app.config.ts
  • Setup your secrets and environment variables