
Minimalist self-hosted customer feedback management system

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Made by ⚡Sieutoc


Work in progress, breaking changes are expected!


  • Next.js 14
  • TypeScript
  • ESLint
  • Prettier
  • Shadcn UI with Tailwind CSS
  • Postgresql with Prisma
  • Magic link login with Next-Auth



Getting Started

One-click Deploy

Deploy on Railway


Currently the Dockerfile does not work well, so the template still uses the GitHub as source. If you could help, please suggest me a way. Thanks in advance.

Normal Installation

You need at least one Postgresql instance up and running.

Then you can deploy like a simple Next.js app, there are lot of tutorial on Vercel, Netlify etc.

The environment variables you need:



For Development

  • We use pnpm package manager. Get it here.
  • Make sure Docker up and running.
  • If your Docker account has 2FA enabled, you have to create a Personal Access Token and login before:
    • Follow this guide.
    • Login with docker login --username <your-username>

Install dependencies

cd your-project
pnpm install

Setup environment variables

For the first time, you need some default environment variables:

cp .env.example .env

Then, run the development server:

pnpm dev

Setup Prisma

NOTE: The dev server need to be running, because we need Postgres instance.

Sometimes, for example in fresh database situation when you have just started:

pnpm prisma migrate dev

Create New UI Component

We use shadcn-ui, and create 2 helper scripts for you:

# for adding new component
pnpm ui:add <compnent-name>

# for checking diffs
pnpm ui:diff <component-name>

Start developing!

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser and start developing.

Good to know

  • This project uses App Router feature.
  • We try to take adventage of Next.js's ecosystem, thus most of the features here are built on top of Next.js best practices.
  • We use storybook for UI components preview, it will automatically run with pnpm run dev

Deploy with Docker


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • PostgreSQL 16+
  • SMTP Credentials

Setting up

Create docker-compose.yaml file

Create a voi folder and copy the minimal content of this template below:

version: "3.8"
name: voi

        container_name: voi-postgres
        image: postgres:16-alpine
        restart: always
            - "5432:5432"
            - data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
            POSTGRES_DB: postgresdb
            POSTGRES_USER: postgresuser
            POSTGRES_PASSWORD: yourpostgrespassword

        container_name: voi-app
        image: sieutoc/voi:latest
        restart: always
            - "80:3000"
            # Needed for authentication
            NEXTAUTH_SECRET: topsecret
            NEXTAUTH_URL: http://localhost:3000

            # Connection string to the PostgreSQL database
            DATABASE_URL: postgres://postgresuser:yourpostgrespassword@db:5432/postgresdb

            # From which account e-mails will be sent
            EMAIL_FROM: hi@yourdomain.com

            SMTP_USER: username
            SMTP_PASSWORD: password
            SMTP_HOST: smtp.yourdomain.com
            SMTP_PORT: 587

            # Extra
            PROJECT_NAME: Voi

The Docker Compose file above defines two services: postgres and app. In case you're using an external Postgres database, remove the db service and replace DATABASE_URL environment variable with your connection string.

Pull the images and run

Open your favorite terminal, navigate to voi folder and run

docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

You can find the logs by using docker-compose logs app. The message http server started on :3000 means everything is ok and you're ready to go.

Just open your favorite browser and navigate to http://localhost. You should see a voi app.

Congratulation! 🎉