Objective: Establish project logistics
Skills: Git, DevOps, HTML, CSS, Tailwind, NPM, Continuous integration
Maximum Duration: 2 days
💡 Throughout the program, you will be asked to use git and github to submit your solutions to the challenges. Each submission should be in the form of a pull request to be reviewed and approved by your mentor. You will be asked to deploy your solutions to public hosting providers (notably Vercel). The following challenges will help you get familiar with the logistics of the program.
Challenge 1.1 (2 points):
- Create a fork of the Project Journal Starter project in github.
- Edit the index.html file and replace the name with yours.
- Create a pull request, and invite your mentor to review and approve it.
- After approval, merge the pull request into your main branch.
- This project is your personal journal. Keep updating it to show your progress to the world in a creative manner!
Challenge 1.2 (5 points):
- Deploy your project on Vercel or Netlify.
- Share your public URL on the Teams channel.
- Add automated deployments so that every commit to the main branch is deployed automatically.
Install live-server globally
npm install -g live-server
Install project dependencies
npm install
Run the dev server:
npm run dev