
Compact communication protocol with version control and data verify

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


You can send any message with owl, bitowl! Compact communication protocol with version control and data verify.


let bitowl = require('bitowl');

There is a three sub modules:

  • bitowl.string
  • bitowl.data
  • bitowl.diff



let buffer = bitowl.data.pack(object);


let json = bitowl.data.unpack(bufferOrHex);



let buffer = bitowl.string.pack(object);


let json = bitowl.string.unpack(bufferOrHex);

create diff

Create stringdiff object difference between string and sourcestring, output can be buffer or empty, by default return json

let json = bitowl.string.create(string, sourcestring, output);

apply diff

Apply diff to string and return new string. Diff can be hex, buffer or json

let str = bitowl.string.apply(diff, string);



let buffer = bitowl.diff.pack(object);


Offset define where in buffer starts diff. By default offset is 0.

let json = bitowl.diff.unpack(bufferOrHex, offset);

create Diff

Create diff object difference between object and sourceobject, output can be buffer or empty, by default return json

let json = bitowl.diff.create(object, sourceobject, output);

apply Diff

Apply diff to sourceobject and return new object. Diff can be hex, buffer or json

let obj = bitowl.diff.apply(diff, sourceobject);


This method apply diff to a empty object. It create object from diff. Warning! Can not convert diffstring to a string, so string fields is not apply to object.

Diff can be hex, buffer or json. Return json by default, if output == 'buffer' - return buffer.

let obj = bitowl.diff.toData(diff, output);


get Type

Return byte of version from buffer, hex string or json object of diff. From buffer and hex string read first byte, from json object read field __source_sign (if exist - is diff, else - data). Can return 0x7f and bigger if diff, and smaller when - data.

let versionByte = bitowl.getType(bufferOrJson); 


Pack object into buffer. Type can be >= 0x7f for diff and smaller for data. If type is not defined, use auto define.

let buffer = bitowl.pack(object, type); 


Unpack buffer to object. Returned object:

    version: 0x1,//version of message, 0x7f and bigger for diff, and smaller for data.
    type: 'data', //can be data of diff, based on version byte
    value: unpacked_json_object
let d = bitowl.unpack(buffer); 

create Diff

Create diff object difference between object and sourceobject. If version of sourceobject >= 0x7f (diff object), create object from diff (toData method) and makes diff between diffs. Object and sourceobject can be buffer, string, object

let json = bitowl.createDiff(object, sourceobject); 

apply Diff

Apply diff to sourceobject and return new object. If diff object have wrong version, throw Error exception. Diff and sourceobject can be buffer, string, object

let obj = bitowl.applyDiff(diff, sourceobject);

Hex Formats

All types based on bit sequences, var_str, var_int and other is used from library bitPony


Data format is different for each version. Now exist 2 versions: 0x1 - data object and 0x7f - diff object

for version < 0x7f:

version(2 bytes, uint16) | payloadsign (4 bytes, uint32) | payload

for version >= 0x7f

version(2 bytes, uint16) | payloadsign (4 bytes, uint32) | sourcedatasign (4 bytes, uint32) | payload
  • version can be 0x1 for data, and 0x7f for diff. Version can be upgraded in future, so check version must be not with equal operation: ver >= 0x7f and ver < 0x7f.
  • Sign its first 4 bytes from double sha256 bytes of payload
  • sourcedatasign is sign of original source data for diff
  • payload is primitive, byte-object


All primitive have this structure:

for version < 0x7f (data): item:

type (uint8) | key (var_str) | value


type (uint8) | key(var_str) | value count(var_int) | value1, value2, ... valueN

For version >= 0x7f (diff): item:

type (uint8) | version control flag (uint8) | key (var_str) | value


type (uint8) | version control flag (uint8) | key(var_str) | value count(var_int) | value1, value2, ... valueN

Primitive byte-object

Type: 0x5

data type(1 byte, uint8) | key (var_str) | primitive count(var_int) |  primitive1, primitive2,....primitiveN

Primitive byte-array

Type: 0x6 For array key everytime is empty.

data type(1 byte, uint8) | key (var_str) | primitive count(var_int) |  primitive1, primitive2,....primitiveN


Type: 0x0

data type(1 byte, uint8) | key (var_str) | 0(uint8)


Type: 0x1

data type(1 byte, uint8) | key (var_str) | value(uint8)


Type: 0x2

data type(1 byte, uint8) | key (var_str) | value(var_int)


Type: 0x3

data type(1 byte, uint8) | key (var_str) | value(var_str)


Type: 0x4

data type(1 byte, uint8) | key (var_str) | value(var_str)


Type: 0x7

data type(1 byte, uint8) | key (var_str) | value(var_str)



Stringdiff data is contain information about difference between str1 and str2, for example: str1: test12345 str2: tost54312 diff in json format:

Diff string is hex format for json array like this:

    { flag: 'A', sequence: 'a', start: 0, length: 1 },
    { flag: 'U', sequence: 'o', start: 2, length: 1 },
    { flag: 'U', sequence: '54', start: 5, length: 2 },
    { flag: 'U', sequence: '12', start: 8, length: 2 },
    { flag: 'D', sequence: '44', start: 10, length: 3 } 

converted to:


Format is:

count of items (var_int) | strdiff items

format strdiff of hex is:

flag(uint8) | start (var_int) | length (var_int) | sequence (var_str)
  • flag is modifier of change, can be 0x0 (A, APPEND), 0x1 (U, UPDATE), 0xff (D, DELETE)
  • start - start of change in string
  • length - length of sequence
  • sequence - change string

String diff hex is vector of strdiff


version(2 bytes, uint16) | payloadsign (4 bytes, uint32) | sourcedatasign (4 bytes, uint32) | payload
  • version can be 0x1 for data, and 0x7f for diff. Version can be upgraded in future, so check version must be not with equal operation: ver >= 0x7f and ver < 0x7f.
  • Sign its first 4 bytes from double sha256 bytes of payload
  • sourcedatasign is sign of original source data for diff
  • payload is primitive, byte-object


type (uint8) | version control flag (uint8) | key (var_str) | value


type (uint8) | version control flag (uint8) | key(var_str) | primitive count(var_int) | primitive1, primitive2, ... primitiveN