
Publication Management System

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

PubZ - Publication Zoo

Publication management system for your lab.

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  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • (poetry)

Instlation (Dev Environment)

Here, let's install PubZ app for development environemnt. For production use, see ./deploy.

Step.Make DB's Configuration File

Make PubZ/.env and PubZ/deploy/.env.



WARNING: Please change secret key by yorself for production mode. To generate own key, check here.

# Generate Secret Key
from django.core.management.utils import get_random_secret_key

secret_key = get_random_secret_key()
text = 'SECRET_KEY = \'{0}\''.format(secret_key)

Step.1 Build Docker Containers

Move to the directory which docker-compose.yml exists and issue these commands

# Create Storage Directory
mkdir -p ./storage/db/data
# Create docker image with make command
cd docker/django
make build
# Start containers
cd ../../
docker-compose up 

Then, you get 3 containers db, phpmyadmin, django, (storage) and each containers are connected each others.

Step.2 Initalize Django App

For starting django App, you need to initalize database (this system use mysql). Issue these commands,

# Enter into the django container
docker-compose exec django bash
# == In django container ==
# Migrate database
python manage.py migrate
# Create Super User
python manage.py createsuperuser
# Migrate Bibtex models
python manage.py makemigrations core
python manage.py migrate
# Collect static files (e.g., js, css)
python manage.py collectstatic

For development, use Username=root, email=test@test.com, pw=password (pwBman88)

After these commands, please restart all the conatiners.

Step.3 Start Development Servers

Django application:

# == In django container ==
cd /code
bash run

PubZ docs (dev server):

# == In django container ==
$ cd /root/docs/mkdocs
$ mkdocs serve

Step.4 Check website

With this setup, we launched 3 containers. You can access to 3 of them with your browser.

Django http://localhost:7000
phpmyadmin http://localhost:7070
docs http://localhost:7777

Setup Production Server

# Create Image with make command
cd docker/django-uwsgi-nginx/
make build
# Start containers
cd ../../
docker-compose -f docker-compose-prd.yaml up -d

Container and Ports

App Container Name Port (External)
Django pubz-web-prd 8000
MarinaDB pubz-db-prd 3306


MIT License