Modified version of TORCSLink, an interface between The Open Source Race Car Simulator (TORCS) and MATLAB/Simulink (or anything else...)

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Modified Simulink Robot for The Open Source Race Car Simulator (TORCS)

This is a modified version of the TORCSLink interfaced, used by University of Bristol students for control trials.

This version adds more sensors to the cars, similar to the car used in Gym-TORCS, which is based on vtorcs (https://github.com/giuse/vtorcs). The detailed explanation of original TORCS for AI research is given by Daniele Loiacono et al. (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1304.1672.pdf).

Simulink example is identical to original one + some scopes to see the new sensor inputs.

Please copy and replace the file patch\car.h from this repository into the folders \src\interfaces\ and \export\include\ of your TORCS source folder.

Track sensor

The simulated range finder sensors, which returns the distance between the track edge and the car within a range of 200 meters, can be configured changing the default 10 degrees of separation between sensors, changing the variable TRACK_SENSOR_AGR inside TORCSLink.h or modifying the initialization function in matlabUoB.cpp.

Simulink Robot for The Open Source Race Car Simulator (TORCS)

This robot plugin for TORCS allows you to develop a vehicle control system in MATLAB and Simulink. An example Simulink model is provided which demonstrates an Automatic Cruise Control system.

Tested on Windows 7 x64 and Xubuntu 14.04.1 with MATLAB R2014b.

Set up - Windows

  1. Download the TORCS source files and compile them as detailed here (Note, there may be some minor bug fixes needed depending on your version of Visual Studio)

  2. Checkout this repository in the src/drivers folder

    cd path/to/torcs/src/drivers
    git clone https://github.com/VerifiableAutonomy/TORCSLink.git
  3. Add the matlab.vcxproj project to your TORCS solution

  4. For the initial build you need to disable the TL_USE_DOUBLE_POSITION and TL_ENABLE_RESTARTS features by commenting out the #define lines in TORCSLink.h, these can be enabled later with reference to the sections below

  5. Build the solution. TORCSLink is now ready to go...

Set up - Linux

  1. Download the TORCS source file and compile them as detailed here (Note, I had to install some dependancies not listed, but the ./configure step should help you identify what you need)

  2. Checkout this repository in the src/drivers folder

    cd path/to/torcs/src/drivers
    git clone https://github.com/VerifiableAutonomy/TORCSLink.git
  3. Change to the folder, open TORCSLink.h and comment out the #define TL_USE_DOUBLE_POSITION and #define TL_ENABLE_RESTARTS lines. Refer to the section below for details on enabling these later.

  4. Build the plugin with

    make && make install
  5. Before you can run the Simulink model on Linux you must place a symbolic link to the librt library in your current directory. Firstly, locate the library on your system by executing

    ldconfig -p | grep "librt.so "

You should see an output similar to

    librt.so (libc6,x86-64, OS ABI: Linux 2.6.24) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so

The latter part of which is the path you need to know. In the same directory as the Simulink model, execute

ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/librt.so

Replacing the path with the one you found above. Your Simulink model should now be able to build correctly.


This section tells you how to get up and running with the Automatic Cruise Control example provided. This has been tested with MATLAB R2014b (64-bit version).

  1. To use the provided Automatic Cruise Control example it is recommended to install the Motorway track (a large oval with long straights and shallow corners). To do so, simply copy the Motorway folder in to the road tracks directory in your TORCS installation (path/to/torcs/runtime/tracks/road on Windows and /usr/local/share/games/torcs/tracks/road/ on Linux).

  2. Start TORCS and select Race > Quick Race > Configure Race, choose the Motorway track. Deselect any drivers which may be present in the race, then add the drivers matlab 0 and matlab 1.

  3. Select New Race. In the command line output you should see

    matlab 0: Online
    matlab 1: Online

This indicates that TORCSLink is ready for Simulink to connect.

  1. Open the ACC_Example.slx model in Simulink and run it. In TORCS, you should see the vehicles set off and drive the profile contained in the model. After the model is finished (90s), the cars will retain their previous control values and crash in to something! You should restart the race before executing the model again (or configure this to happen automatically, see below).

Configure additional features

Automatic restarts

The initialisation function called by the Simulink model attempts to restart the race automatically, such that all executions of the model start from a consistent state. To enable TORCS to service this request a modification must be made to the TORCS source code. You can find the details of this modification here. Once you have made this change you should uncomment the #define TL_ENABLE_RESTARTS line in TORCSLink.h and rebuild the solution.

Double precision position data

By default, TORCS stores the entire vehicle state as a single precision float which is sufficient for the vast majority of purposes. When designing multi-vehicle control techniques, however, a common condition encountered is that where two vehicles experience near identical velocities. If we operate these vehicles on fairly large tracks, where the position values can reach in to the 1000's, we only get millimeter accuracy from single precision calculation. TORCS integrates velocity to position at 500Hz so when the velocities of two vehicles are similar we can get to the situation where the distance between two vehicles will be calculated as constant due to the limited resolution of the float.

To illustrate this by way of an example, assume we have two vehicles both moving parallel to the x-axis, one with an initial position of 1500m and the other 1490m (a distance of 10m apart). If the lead vehicle is travelling at 14m/s and the follower at 14.01m/s. Intuitively, we can see that after 1s we would expect the leader to be at 1514m and the follower to be at 1504.01m (a distance of 9.99m apart). But lets perform this calcultion the way TORCS does it, by integrating the velocities at 500Hz (i.e. over a period of 0.002s). At the first time step...

Vehicle 1: 1500 + 14x0.002 = 1500.028

Vehicle 2: 1490 + 14.01x0.002 = 1490.02802

The final two digits of Vehicle 2's position will be lost due to the precision of a float, so if we continue this integration for an entire second we would get have vehicle 1 in its correct location of 1514m but vehicle 2 would be at 1504m (still at 10m spacing). This doesn't happen in practice because the velocities are rarely held constant for long periods, however the limited precision does cause quantisation to occur when calculating the distance between two vehicles with similar velocity. This can be seen in the cruise control example provided by zooming in on the Spacing scope signal towards the end of the simulation (~70-90s) and observing the noise in the signal. When more vehicles are introduced, the effect can get more pronounced, so it should be mitigated.

To modify the TORCS source code to fully represent position as a double precision value requires a significant number of changes. Therefore, I propose a small hack to simply calculate the position as a double precision value in addition to the single precision value. To do this we need to modify two files in the TORCS source code, patch files to do this are provided (doublePosition_car.patch and doublePosition_tgf.patch), these must first be placed in the TORCS root directory, then applied with

patch src/modules/simu/simuv2/car.cpp < doublePosition_car.patch
patch export/include/tgf.h < doublePosition_tgf.patch

Finally, enable the use of double precision position values in TORCSLink by uncommenting #define TL_USE_DOUBLE_POSITION in TORCSLink.h, then rebuild the solution.

Re-run the example and observe the noise in the spacing signal is no longer present.