
A simple android library to retrieve shortened urls from Goo.gl

Primary LanguageJava

Android Goo.gl Shortener Library

A simple tested Android library to shorten long urls in your app!

How to include it

This library can be found in maven central repo. If you're using Android studio you can include it by writing the following in the corresponding dependencies block


dependencies {
	// ...
	compile 'com.andreabaccega:googlshortenerlib:1.0.0'
	// ...



How to use

	GoogleShortenerPerformer shortener = new GoogleShortenerPerformer(new OkHttpClient());

	String longUrl = "http://www.andreabaccega.com/";

	GooglShortenerResult result = shortener.shortenUrl(
		new GooglShortenerRequestBuilder()

	if ( Status.SUCCESS.equals(result.getStatus()) ) {
		// all ok result.getShortenedUrl() contains the shortened url!
	} else if ( Status.IO_EXCEPTION.equals(result.getStatus()) ) {
		// connectivity error. result.getException() returns the thrown exception while performing
		// the request to google servers!
	} else {
		// this happens if google replies with an unexpected response or if there are some other issues processing
		// the result.

		// result.getException() contains a GooglShortenerException containing a message that can help resolve the issue!

We do recommend to request an apiKey and use the following method instead of the above!

	new GooglShortenerRequestBuilder()


This library depends on the following artifacts:

  • com.squareup.okhttp:okhttp:2.0.0
  • com.google.code.gson:gson:2.3

They're automatically resolved by gradle but you can always exclude them (if you're using another compatible version) by doing so:

dependencies {
	// ...
	compile ('com.andreabaccega:googlshortenerlib:1.0.0') {
		exclude module: 'okhttp'
		exclude module: 'gson'
	// ...
