Node.js font converter capable of converting SFNT (TrueType, OpenType) font files to WOFF and vice-versa.
Forked from and added some clearer documentation, a package.json and added to npm.
is based on an Ubuntu packagewoff-tools
, which contains the two commands woff2sfnt and sfnt2woff. As far as I can find, this Ubuntu package is the original package released withwoff
by Mozilla. I came across this project and gave it a small cleanup before releasing it, but if you'd like me to do a full refactor and cleanup of deprecated code and performance tweaks, and make a better CLI, give this project a star :)
# Convert from ttf to woff
node sfnt2woff.js input.ttf output.woff
# Convert from otf to woff
node sfnt2woff.js input.otf output.woff
# Convert from woff to ttf
node woff2sfnt.js input.woff output.ttf
# Convert from woff to otf
node woff2sfnt.js input.woff output.otf
// ttf to woff
const { toWoff } = require("woff-tools");
const fs = require("fs");
fs.writeFileSync("output.woff", toWoff(fs.readFileSync("input.ttf")));
// woff to ttf
const { toSfnt } = require("woff-tools");
const fs = require("fs");
fs.writeFileSync("output.ttf", toSfnt(fs.readFileSync("input.woff")));
MIT License