
A web application to list all Pokémon and show paginated results from the PokeAPI v2. Pokémons are shown in a card-based layout containing the image of the Pokémon as well as the following: o Name o Height o Weight o List of abilities

This app is accompanied by unit tests


Technology used

  • React.js
  • Testing-library
  • CSS


• User can choose the number of cards available per page (10, 20 and 50)
• User can see previous and next buttons - on both the top and the bottom of the page
• User can search through the list using the name and abilities
• User can sort results by id, name ASC, name DESC, height and weight
• User can refresh the page whilst maintaining sorting, ability and search data
• User can see a details page with all information for each Pokémon
• User can go back to the previous page\

Getting Started

Environment Variables

Please add the following lines to your ".env" file located in your Root Folder. If it does not exist it needs to be created. Alternatively you can rename env.example to .env in your root folder.


Running the Frontend

  • fork the repo
  • Press the Code Button and copy the SSH key -
  • Perform a "git clone" in your local directory
  • cd react-pokemons-app
  • npm i
  • npm start
  • Browser would automatically open pointing to http://localhost:3000/

Testing the App

  • npm run test
  • a

Available Scripts

In the project directory you can run:

- start: react-scripts start

Opens http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

- test: react-scripts test

Runs Test files using JEST/Testing Library

Routes & Architecture Flow

Display Pokemons "/" => App => BrowserRouter => Router => PokemonPage => PokemonList
Pagination => Pagination
Sorting => Sort
Searching => Search
More Details "/pokemon/:id" => PokemonDetails\

Dependencies included

  • @testing-library/jest-dom
  • @testing-library/react
  • @testing-library/user-event
  • @types/jest
  • @types/node
  • @types/react
  • @types/react-dom
  • antd
  • axios
  • react
  • react-dom
  • react-router-dom
  • react-scripts


  • When sorting by ability you must re-select "all" before being able to sort by name/id/height/weight
  • When sorting by name/id/height/weight you must re-select "-" before being able to sort by ability
  • GraphQL would have allowed caching of all items without the need to create customized object
  • A styling framework would have provided better consistency across the design of elements and better UX design
  • Too many renders are occurring due to the amount of State Hooks
  • Loading time and efficiency could be improved through code optimization
  • Cleaner code for PokemonPage would have allowed easier debugging and better separation of concerns
  • No keyboard navigation
  • No Linter configuration
  • To clear Search input field the close-circle that appears at input must be pressed