See the website and its source files.
This is an Electron desktop app for Linux which displays simulated aircraft in X-Plane in real time. It runs with X-Plane 9 through 11.
It uses :
- X-Plane's UDP data output for plane location
- Leaflet for maps
It has multiplayer capabilities: provided that one computer receives the UDP packets from every pilot's X-Plane instance, it can serve the aircraft position data to everybody over HTTP.
On top of being a desktop app, it can also serve the client over HTTP to mobile devices.
You need NodeJS v8 and Yarn latest.
git clone # or your fork
cd x-plane-map-electron
# then in three distinct terminals:
yarn start # run Electron
yarn watch # rebuild js files on change
yarn fake # optional: simulates a plane flying over France at a rather high airspeed
CI/CD is set up : if you have an Appveyor and account, you can make these platforms build the application and upload it to a draft Github release. They will do so under the following conditions:
- a draft release is open
- the version number for this draft release (e.g. v2.0.1) matches the version number in
in the pushed code (e.g. 2.0.1).
See for more.