Class project for SDSU STAT 442, FALL 2022. This website tracks payments and gifts to doctors in South Dakota.
Fork this repository first. Make changes. After testing, you can submit changes by creating Pull Requests to merge into the Main branch. The code at the Deployed branch are tested and deployed to the website.
- Create a GitHub account, and login to
- Fork the original repository (repo) gexijin/openPay as your repo, under your GitHub account.
- Install GitHub Desktop
- Clone your repo locally using GitHub Desktop
- Start RStudio and edit
- Test and Commit changes
- Push to your repo
- Pull request: Merge changes into gexijin/openPay
- To keep working, you need to sync your fork from GitHub website, as the main repo might be updated
- To update your local version, use Repository --> Pull from GitHub desktop.
- Repeat steps 5 to 10
File bug reports at the Issues tab. You can also write down any ideas for improvement. If you solve an issue, mark it so by closing the issue.
Main files for the Shiny App:
- global.R This file contains global variables, which are usually created by reading in data files.
- ui.R This file defines user interface
- server.R Server logic, such as functions to generate plots.
- calebpayment.csv
- Open_Payment_south_dakota_2013-18.csv
- payment.csv
- zippy.csv
- jfpay.csv
- Open_Payment_south_dakota_2013-21.csv
- updated_payment_data.csv