C in Fork Book
C in Fork é um livro sobre Linguagem de Programação C voltado aos iniciantes em computadores. Ele será inicialmente escrito em Português, contudo com planos de ser traduzido para o Inglês.
C in Fork is a book about the C programming language targeted to people getting started with computers. It will be originally written in Portuguese but with plans to be translated into English.
The pdf version is available already: c_in_fork.pdf
Você sabe algo sobre C? Já compilou um helloworld usando essa maravilhosa linguagem? Se sim, seja você também um colaborador deste projeto. Fork e clone este repositório já e mão na massa!
Do you know something about C? Have you ever compiled a hello world program using that gorgeous language? If the answer is positive, then you're invited to be a collaborator of this project. Get your hands dirty by cloning this repository right now!
A TeX editor of your choice, then Emacs. Please, no editor wars here. I (Geyslan, one of the collaborators) grew up being taught that we have to desire the best for everyone. So I'm doing that by picking up Emacs for you. Yes, I do know that Emacs isn't the only choice, but I certainly know that it's the good and right one. Be advised. :P
Column is limited to 80 characters for easier reading. If you chose right and that means using Emacs the unique mandatory config is:
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook '(lambda () (auto-fill-mode 1) (setq-default fill-column 79)))
Packages for Arch Linux:
pacman -S texlive-bin texlive-core texlive-science texlive-latexextra texlive-bibtexextra
After editing the TeX files using your "best" editor compile the book as pdf:
make view
Cleaning (objects):
make clean