
Ansible role to create sosreport on remote hosts and collect them to the controller


This role creates sosreport files on remote hosts and collects them into a directory of choice on the controller. It can apply environment variables to the sosreport command if specified, e.g. for collecting report on OpenStack nodes.


  • sosreport utility present on the remote host, installed if missing.

Role Variables

The default variables are:

  • A local directory to collect sosreport files to on the controller.

    sosreport_local_dir: ~/sosreport
  • A remote directory to output sosreport to on the remote host.

    sosreport_remote_dir: /tmp/sosreport
  • Arguments to the sosreport command.

      - --all-logs
      - --quiet
      - --batch
      - --verify

There are additional variables, which are optional and don't have defaults:

  • A Red Hat Support case number. The case number will be amended to the sosreport command and appear in the resulting file name.

  • The name of a hash containing environment variables. If provided, the hash will be passed to the sosreport command. This is useful when providing sosreport for OpenStack nodes.


Example Playbook

An example of a playbook for collecting sosreports would be as follows:

- hosts: "{{ servers }}"
  become: true
  gather_facts: no

    sosreport_env: "{{ my_rc }}"

    - name: Collect sosreport
        name: gadamiak.sosreport

The command to run the playbook against 'my_servers' and related to a case '02090101' would be:

$ ansible-playbook sosreport -e servers=my_servers -e sosreport_case=02090101
