cefpython3 based scriptable web browser for python.
it support for JS is better than ghost.py.
- python2.7
- wxpython
- cefpython3
- install wxpython
brew install wxpython
see wxpython official website
- install cefpython3
see https://github.com/cztomczak/cefpython
pip install cefpython3
use cefjs
copy the cefjs.py file to your project
see test.py
http proxy, socks5 proxy, user-agent see cefjs.py -> switch_settings
cache path, log, resources, subprocess see cefjs.py -> application_settings
you must change your resources_dir_path, if not in osx.
eg. in ubuntu resources_dir_path is cefpython.GetModuleDirectory()
xvfb-run --auto-servernum --server-args="-screen 0 1280x760x24" python test.py