Krakatoa is a jQuery slider plugin. All you need is to wrap your content inside a container element. The .krakatoa name class is not mandatory for the plugin to work.
<div class="krakatoa">
<div> Your content </div>
<div> Your content </div>
Add jQuery and the Krakatoa script.
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.krakatoa.js"></script>
Load the script.
$('.krakatoa').krakatoa( options );
Options are set with an object as second argument to the .krakatoa() method.
- width: Width of the slider. String. Works with px and %. The default value is '400px'.
- height: Height of the slider. Can be set to 'auto' (it will be the height of the actual item), 'max' (the max height of all the items) or a string with units. The default value is '300px'.
- display: Display mode of the slider, the same as the CSS property. String. Default value is 'block'.
- arrows: Show the arrows control. Boolean. Default value is true.
- buttons: Show the pagination buttons. Boolean. Default value is true.
- items: Numbers of items to show at the same time. Integer. Default value is 1.
- gutter: Margin between items. Integer. Default value is 10.
- first: Default item to show. Integer. Default value is 0 and shows the first item.
- loop: Begins again after last item. Boolean. Default value is true.
- autoplay: Move automatically the slider (except when the mouse is over). Boolean. Default value is true.
- direction: Movement of the slider. String. Default value is 'right'.
- delay: Delay of the next movement in milliseconds. Integer. Default value is 2500.
- duration: Duration of the movement in milliseconds. Integer. Default value is 500.
More than one slider can co-exists in the same page. If different options are needed for each one, add a data- attribute to the container element.
<div class="krakatoa" data-settings="options">
<div> Your content </div>
<div> Your content </div>
The following CSS is required to prevent anything to show while the script is loading: