
Animated GIF

This tester orchestrates a competition among selected push_swap repositories.

For each push_swap repository, it calculates the execution time and the number of movements.

All you need is a repository with a Makefile that compiles a push_swap executable.

git clone https://github.com/gfantonib/push_swap_battery_tester.git
cd push_swap_battery_tester
cd battery
python3 main.py

To set up the race (battery), follow these examples:

  1. Specify the repositories you want in the race with only one space between them:
    https://github.com/mcombeau/push_swap.git https://github.com/LeoFu9487/push_swap.git https://github.com/ayogun/push_swap.git

  2. Assign a name to each repository respectively:
    mia_combeau leo_fu yigit_ogun

  3. Determine the sets, i.e., the number of elements you want the program to execute. Each set will be filled with random numbers:
    3 5 100 500

  4. Specify how many times the program runs for each set of numbers.
    This indicates how many times ./push_swap {...} is going to be executed for each set.
    The average time and movements will be calculated:

If you want to use exactly the same inputs and compare the results between the chosen repositories, use the battery_2.