
A template for building firmware for STM32F4Discovery boards

Primary LanguageC

Template project for the STM32F4Discovery Board

This is a template repository for getting the main peripherals working on a STM32F4Discovery board.


To get all dependencies and be ready to flash the STM32F4 Board, install the following packages on Debian-based distributions:

apt install cmake libusb-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev build-essential autoconf \
cutecom git binutils-arm-none-eabi gcc-arm-none-eabi

apt install rpm pkg-config debhelper # for flash-tool build process

On arch you can prepare your system with those packages:

pacman -S arm-none-eabi-gcc arm-none-eabi-binutils arm-none-eabi-newlib \
cmake autoconf git stlink


The newest Flash-Tool for the STM-Boards can be found at STLINK. Clone it and make a debian package, which then can be installed via dpkg:

git clone https://github.com/texane/stlink  
cd stlink  
make clean  
 make package  
sudo dpkg -i build/Release/stlink-*-amd64.deb  
sudo ldconfig # refresh library list for st-link



  • Working Virtualbox (guide)

  • Virtualbox Extension (guide)

  • Working Vagrant Installation (guide)

Vagrant box

clone the Repo (or only the Vagrantfile) and copy it to where u want to install it

git clone https://github.com/mborko/stm32f4-template
cd stm32f4-template
cp Vagrantfile /installation/directory/
cd /installation/directory/

Create a VM with the Vagrantfile and stop it again

vagrant up
vagrant halt

Notice: vagrant also creates a shared directory in the current directory called workspace

Add a USB Controller through Virtualbox (VM needs to be Powered Off) and add the Microcontroller (may need to be repeated for each device)

  • openstm > Settings > USB > Enable USB Controller > USB 2.0 > Add USB Filter add usb filter > STM32F4


Start the VM again (same directory as Vagrantfile)

vagrant up

How To

Connect to the VM (same directory as Vagrantfile)

vagrant ssh

change into the stm32f4-template directory and make the project

cd stm32f4-template
make clean

Change Code

First create a Directory in Workspace

mkdir ~/workspace/my-project

Copy the template into your project

cp -R src/template/* ~/workspace/my-project

Now you can edit the main.c (example uses vim editor)

vim ~/workspace/my-project/Src/main.c

Notice: you can also change the code through your host by accessing the Shared director workspace

Flash to Device

in order to flash the device use the following Command

make flash

If you want to use your the non default directory src/template use the following command

make flash PROJ=/path/to/your/project 

For the example in Change Code:

make flash PROJ=~/workspace/my-project



Incase the flash fails just unplug and plug your device again.

Additional Resources


Clone the STM32Cube-F4 Library to the ~/opt Folder or any other destination. Check the STM32_PATH Definition in the Makefile and change it aproperly.

Further Documentation and the Manuals can be found here:


Thanks to Fabian Greif for his minimal example repository for the STM32F3-Discovery board. I wish also to thank Matthew Blythe and 'mohammedari' for theier good startpoints:
Basic Template
Test Makefile
STM32CubeF4 Makefile Template Project