Welcome to the RustFest 2018 libp2p workshop!

The purpose of this workshop will be to write a simple peer-to-peer chat application using the libp2p library. This library relies on futures and tokio, and will also demonstrate the usage of these libraries.

Libp2p is a peer-to-peer protocol started by protocol labs. It is designed to be modular and generic.


  • Clone this repository: git clone https://github.com/tomaka/rustfest-2018-workshop.
  • Read chapter-1/src/main.rs to start with the first task.
  • Once done, go to chapter-2/src/main.rs.
  • Once done, go to chapter-3/src/main.rs.

Remember that you can run cargo doc in order to generate the documentation of all the dependencies used by a package.

If you are finished and want to go further, just ask your host for a follow-up.

About me

My name is Pierre (pronounced "pee-air"). Don't hesitate to ask for help at any time!

Want to keep in touch?

https://twitter.com/tomaka17 https://github.com/tomaka