
By Kasey McGee - Visit Nexflix

My Netflix-Clone

Browse Movies and Series and view Trailers

Table of Contents

Nexflix at a glance

This app is at the core founded off of the TMDB Public API. Nexflix is a fullstack app that lets the user explore movies and tv series and watch relevant trailers.

  • This application tracks your history when browsing as well as allows you to add films to your watchlist for later review.


sign in or create an account:

select your profile:

and browse the site!! There's plenty to explore:

App Description

  • Full stack application utilizing crud features and built upon a public api TMDB.
  • A netflix look-alike to emphasize tackling wireframe layout.
  • Movie posters with live trailers organized by category.

Define Database Functionality + Input Data

  1. Store user information including status of session.
  • hashes user password for security.
  • each user has profiles. Profiles at the moment can be viewed or changed on the demo user and integration is in the works for all users.
  1. Store user's history for review and ability to clear all history.
  2. Store a watchlist to review with ability to remove items from watchlist.


  • VS Code
  • Brave Browser
  • GitHub
  • Coffee!
  • Insomnia
  • TMDB api
  • youtube api


  • Deployment: Docker / Heroku
  • Frontend UI engine: React / Redux
  • Backend server: Python / Flask
  • RDBMS: PostgresSQL v12
  • ORM: SQLAlchemy

Thanks for reading! ✌🏽