
Source code for the "Machine learning analysis of mineral chemistry in pyrite grains from the Jacobina gold deposits, São Francisco Craton, Brazil: geochemical patterns and implications to mineral exploration" paper

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Machine learning analysis of mineral chemistry in pyrite grains from the Jacobina gold deposits, São Francisco Craton, Brazil: geochemical patterns and implications to mineral exploration

Repository of the manuscript "Machine learning analysis of mineral chemistry in pyrite grains from the Jacobina gold deposits, São Francisco Craton, Brazil: geochemical patterns and implications to mineral exploration".

Click here to access the Input data.

Click here to access the R code.

Click here to access the PDF version of the Notebook.


tidyverse; readxl; geoquimica; umap; pheatmap; dendextend; ggpubr.

Authored by:

Guilherme Ferreira Mail: (guilherme.ferreira@cprm.gov.br).


The source code for Qmin is licensed under the GPL-3 License, see LICENSE