This is the Hyprland install script.(Not Official).
Fork from
The default keybind will be in ~/.config/HyprV/hypr/hyprland-bind.conf. PLEASE READ IT. If you need to change the monitor setting, go to ~/.config/HyprV/hypr/hyprland-monitor.conf.
I recommand you to install hycov, I like this plugin very much, but for compatibility reasons I won't put it in the script for now. NOTE that you have to re-install this plugin every time after upgrade or reinstall hyprland, otherwise it may cause hyprland crush.
repo at:
git clone
cd hyprland-setup
sudo chmod +x set-hypr
collection of dot config files for hyprland with a simple install script for a fresh Arch linux with yay
You can grab the config files and install packages by hand with this command
Do this ONLY if you need Nvidia support (do this first)
yay -S linux-headers nvidia-dkms qt5-wayland qt5ct libva libva-nvidia-driver-git
Add modules: nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm to /etc/mkinitcpio.conf
Generate new image: sudo mkinitcpio --config /etc/mkinitcpio.conf --generate /boot/initramfs-custom.img
Add/create the following: options nvidia-drm modeset=1 in /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf
Now install the below for Hyprland
yay -S hyprland kitty jq mako waybar-hyprland swww swaylock-effects \
wofi wlogout xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland swappy grim slurp thunar \
polkit-gnome python-requests pamixer pavucontrol brightnessctl bluez \
bluez-utils blueman network-manager-applet gvfs thunar-archive-plugin \
file-roller btop pacman-contrib starship ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd \
noto-fonts-emoji lxappearance xfce4-settings sddm-git sddm-sugar-candy-git
ALT+SPACE open app menu
SUPER+Q open the terminal
SUPER+F4 close the active window
SUPER+L Lock the screen
SUPER+M show the logout window
SUPER+SHIFT+M Force exit hyprland
SUPER+F start vscode
SUPER+E Show file brosewer
SUPER+V toggle floating
SUPER+P deindle
SUPER+J togglesplit,rotate the arrangement
SUPER+O expand window
SUPER+S screenshot
SUPER+I start vivaldi
SUPER+B toggle low battery mod
SUPER+R toggle start/stop v2raya
SUPER+SHIFT+R stop v2raya
SUPER+LMB move windows SUPER+RMB resize windows