
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

TeraSort benchmark on Lithops

Implementation of the TeraSort benchmark (a distributed sort), built on Lithops. It is based on this Spark implementation of the Terasort benchmark.

Tasks are executed on cloud functions, object storage is used for reading & writing data (including the exchange of itnermediate files).

To generate the input dataset, we recommend the Lithops TeraGen implementation! Our TeraSort implementation is designed to be used on the Ascii version of the TeraGen.


Lithops installation

You can find Lithops' documentation here. You can install Lithops simply using pip.

pip3 install lithops

To configure Lithops, check out its configuration guide. To say, you could set up its AWS Lambda (compute backend) and AWS S3 (storage backend) configuration...

Terasort installation

Just download the code from this repository, unzip it and use pip to install the package.

unzip main.zip
cd terasort-lithops-master
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -e .

(make sure you have gcc installed in your computer)

Runtime set up

You should build and deploy a custom runtime on your FaaS service. Lithops describes how do it for most cloud providers. Use the Dockerfile included in this project. Having docker installed and configured in your computer, it should be something as simple as:

lithops runtime build -f Dockerfile -b aws_lambda "terasort/terasort-lithops-1.0"


You can execute the terasort script just after the Lithops TeraGen code. A common workflow could be the following (say that you have both TeraGen-Lithops and TeraSort-Lithops installed in the same root directory). In this case we generate and sort a dataset of 20GB.

cd teragen-lithops
python3 teragen.py -s 20G -b $BUCKET_NAME -k $KEY -p 200 --ascii --unique-file
python3 terasort.py --bucket $BUCKET_NAME --key $KEY --map_parallelism 50 --runtime_name "terasort/terasort-lithops-1.0"


The script takes the following parameters:

  • --bucket: Bucket name where the dataset is stored. It will also host the intermediate files & final output of the TeraSort.
  • --key: Name of the dataset in the object store.
  • --map_parallelism: Number of partitions in the map stage (number of parallel map tasks/workers).
  • --runtime_name: Name of the custom runtime.
  • --reduce_parallelism (optional): Number of partitions in the reduce stage (number of parallel reduce tasks/workers). If not specified, it will be equal to map_parallelism.
  • --runtime_memory (optional): Provisioned runtime memory (in MB) per cloud function. It is 1792 by default.
  • --warm_up (optional): Launch a warm up execution of cloud functions before execution. Recommended at the very first execution of a set.

Result analysis

A summary of the execution metrics is printed at the end of every execution, but logs are also saved in ~/terasort-lithops/ (defined by default at LOG_PATH in terasort_faas.config). We provide some methods at terasort_faas.logging.results to analyse such logs. For instance, to get the exchange time of an execution you could do the following:

import os
from terasort_faas.config import LOG_PATH
from terasort_faas.logging.results import get_exchange_time

fname = "2023-10-25-15-23-21.yaml"
full_fname = os.path.join(LOG_PATH,fname)
exchange_time = get_exchange_time(full_fname)
print("Exchange time: %.2f s"%(exchange_time))

You can also have a full summary of the execution metrics.

import os
from terasort_faas.config import LOG_PATH
from terasort_faas.logging.results import result_summary

fname = "2023-10-25-15-23-21.yaml"
full_fname = os.path.join(LOG_PATH,fname)
┃ Dataset name: example-ds                      ┃
┃ Dataset size: 19.07 MB                        ┃ 
┃ Map partitions: 5                             ┃
┃ Reduce partitions: 5                          ┃
┃ Total time: 10.20s                            ┃
┃ Real sort time: 6.34s                         ┃
┃ Exchange time: 4.46s                          ┃
┃ Average mapper time: 1.66 ± 0.28s             ┃
┃     Average scan time: 0.45 ± 0.18s           ┃
┃     Average construct time: 0.16 ± 0.01s      ┃
┃     Average serialization time: 0.68 ± 0.17s  ┃
┃     Average exchange_write time: 0.38 ± 0.13s ┃
┃ Average reducer time: 1.14 ± 0.10s            ┃
┃     Average exchange_read time: 0.16 ± 0.05s  ┃
┃     Average aggregation time: 0.71 ± 0.02s    ┃
┃     Average sort time: 0.05 ± 0.02s           ┃
┃     Average write time: 0.22 ± 0.06s          ┃

Have fun sorting bytes.